Sunday, August 06, 2006

Land Title Blog - Welcome!

Welcome to the Land Title Blog.

The Land Title business is changing rapidly and communication is critical to success in our industry.

In major metropolitan areas, the large underwriter owned direct operations dominate the marketplace. We want to give a voice to independently owned and operated title agencies.

Our goals are to:

  • Help independent agents network with other agents to provide Title Evidence, Title Examination and Closing Services statewide and nationally
  • Increase the voice of independent agents with Title Insurance Underwriters
  • Help independent agents become the preferred providers to other independent Agents so we can compete effectively with Underwriter Direct operations
  • Use the Internet to reduce costs by sharing resouces such as Abstracters and Examiners to maximize productivity and profitability

Please comment on:

  • The future of the land title industry and particularly independent title agents
  • How we can work together as independents to secure a sound future
  • Your personal experience with major underwriter owned operations
  • Things/People to watch for i. e. Fraud alerts, unfair business practices, etc...
  • Regulatory and Legislative issues effecting independent agents and the industry
  • How you can take advantage of the changing market through ABAs or leveraging data
  • Title Anecdotes - "A funny thing happened on the way to the closing..."
  • Upcoming events and seminars
  • Other suggestions and critical commentary

We look forward to a constructive dialog which helps us to understand each other and our industry better.

Thank you.

"We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately." -- Benjamin Franklin

Coming Soon:

  • Independent Agents & Direct Operations
  • Leveraging Your Greatest Asset - The Title Plant
  • Opportunities For Independent Title Agents
  • We have Exams, You have Examiners - Sharing Resources
  • Expanding The Circle of Influence - The Numbers Game
  • Livelihoods in Title - Hanging by a String


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